Nihon-Kempo festival took place in the Tachikawa training establishment.
組みうち技の稽古をしました。(hand-to-hand fighting training) |
空乱という当てない稽古法です(Kuran practice does not rely on) |
空乱稽古(Ku-ran practice) | 防具稽古(Armor practice) |
子供も参加しました。(Children participated in the game) |
試合です(Game) |
試合です(Game) | 参加記念証が手渡されました(President Irino hand over a prize for participation to entrant) |
女子部にも参加記念証が手渡されました (President Irino hand over a prize for participation to women's section) |
子供の部にも参加記念証が手渡されました (President Irino hand over a prize for participation to children's section) |
矢島2段による形の演武(Lectured the form) | 良く頑張りました 幼稚園年長です(He held out. He is a child attending kindergarten) |
最後に全員で記念撮影です(Commemorative photo) |
お母さんと一緒のスナップです (Commemorative photo with his mother) |
Kobu-Kaikan officially joined Germany and Japan in exchange for 150 years
in business, which will
be held before December31, 2011 from after the date of October 16, 2010 at the requestof His
Excellency our present German Ambassador Dr.Volker Stanzel.